Sindi rapids

The Sindi rapids were built on the Pärnu River in 2020 to replace the dam which used to be located there. After the demolition of the dam, fish spawning grounds were created and the entire Pärnu River was made suitable for fish migration. The rapids built instead of the dam are unique in the whole of the Baltics, offering ideal opportunities for kayaking, freestyle rowing, canoeing, and rafting. Temporary infrastructure and a shore area have been built on the rapids. In addition, the rapids are the beginning and end point of water trips. What makes the rapids special is the variable flow rate and the large height difference. Be sure to wear a life jacket and helmet on the rapids and read the safety rules in advance.
The rapids give the opportunity to perceive the forces of nature also from the shore.

Times and prices

Avatud: 24 hours

Features and amenities

  • Free parking
  • Sealed access road
  • By car

Directions to the destination

To visit the Sindi rapids, turn from Pärnu maantee which runs through Sindi to Kalamaja tee. Kalamaja tee ends by the Pärnu River, where there is a visitor's car park. From the car park, you can walk on the promenade along the rapids.