How to get here?
Buses between Viljandi – Tallinn run from 6am to 7pm. Ticket prices range from 7€ to 10€.
Buses between Viljandi – Tartu run from 6.25am to 8.25pm. Tickets cost 5€ on average.
Buses between Viljandi – Pärnu run from 6.55am to 6.40pm. Tickets cost 5€ on average.
Full schedules and ticket information can be found HERE
Trains run between Tallinn and Viljandi four times a day, seven days a week. Buses run between Viljandi train station and town centre, they leave the station shortly after the train arrives. Bus ticket to town centre costs 1€. Taxi from train station costs a minimum 4€.
Train scedules and tickets can be found HERE
Distances: Tallinn 161 km, Tartu 81 km, Pärnu 97 km, Riga 245 km, St Petersburg 393 km, Helsinki 247 km, Stockholm 580 km.
When travelling from Tallinn via Tallinn-Tartu highway (2) turn right at Imavere to Imavere-Viljandi-Karksi-Nuia highway (49).
When travelling from Riga, turn right at Häädemeeste gas station to Tõitoja-Häädemeeste highway(330). Once you get to Valga-Uulu highway (6), drive past Kilingi-Nõmme and turn left to Tartu-Viljandi-Kilingi-Nõmme highway (92).