Statue of August Maramaa

A statue of the legendary Viljandi Mayor, August Maramaa, and his dog is located alongside the City Hall at the top of the Trepimäe Hill. As mayor, August Maramaa was dedicated to making Viljandi into a beautiful inland resort town where business and industry would develop and there would be abundant greenery. Today Viljandi is a beautiful town thanks largely to the efforts of Mayor August Maramaa.
August Maramaa was arrested in 1941 and sentenced to nine years in a prison camp for anti-Soviet activities. August Maramaa died in the Kirov Oblast in 1941. Sculptor Aili Vahtrapuu sculpted the statue.

Times and prices

Avatud: 24 hours

Features and amenities

  • Site lighting
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Free parking
  • Signposted
  • Sealed access road
  • By excursion bus
  • By car