Kopra Farm

Kopra Farm is located in the midst of forests by the southern border of Viljandi County. Plenty of space allows organizing reunions and summer retreats.
Good to know: Near the farm, there is a lake that is a home to beaver families; you can look at the fruits of their labour, as you walk around the lake.

Times and prices

Advance bookings only:

Single room from: 36 €
Double/Twin room from: 64 €
Bed in room/price per person from: 32 €
Extra bed from: 18 €
Tent price from: 12 €
Motor home/caravan parking price from: 30 €
Price per child from: 18 €

Features and amenities

  • It is safe here
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • TV in recreation room
  • Free parking
  • Camping area
  • WC
  • WiFi
  • Recreation room
  • Pets allowed
  • Internet access
  • Fridge
  • Outdoor terrace
  • Seminar room
  • Sauna complex
  • Drop Toilet
  • Barbecue area
  • Sports facilities
  • Kids' playground
  • Billiards
  • Swimming area
  • Landscaped area
  • Bus: Vidva, Tuhalaane
  • Card payment
  • Children's seating
  • Kids' menu
  • Breakfast included in price
  • Meals available if booked in advance
  • Signposted
  • Sealed access road
  • By excursion bus
  • By public transport
  • By car
  • Family rooms
  • Shower
  • Extra bed available
  • Internet (cable)
  • Internet (WiFi)
  • Allergy-Free Room
  • Rooms total: 44
  • Beds: 123
  • Number of beds in the high season: 180
  • Number of beds in the low season: 123
  • Number of beds in winter: 123
  • Number of houses/buildings total: 4
  • Camping area: 100
  • Presentation equipment
  • Meals
  • Kitchen available

Directions to the destination

Kopra farm is near Viljandi. The easiest way to get here is to drive towards Karksi-Nuia from Viljandi. About 20 km from Viljandi, after Ahimäe bus stop, a sign saying 'Kopra talu' points to the left. From there, drive 3 km towards Tuhalaane village. There is a sign on the right before Tuhalaane that points to the right. Drive straight, and after 2 km, you have reached the red buildings of Kopra farm.