Herb Journey at Energy Farm

The farm, which is located on the shore of River Navesti, is the largest enterprise operating in the cultivation and processing of herbs in Estonia. There is a study and health trail for herbs, where you can learn about medicinal plants. You can also smell the aroma of the herbs, touch and taste them, and admire their beauty. During the journey, we will learn about the traditionally used medicinal plants, hear about the everyday life of the farm, and the cultivation of medicinal plants. The journey ends with a cup of eco tea and a snack.

Phone: +372 5106193 Email: info@energiatalu.ee Facebook

Energia, Vihi küla, Põhja-Sakala vald, Viljandi maakond

Times and prices

Advance bookings only: 02.04 — 31.10

Features and amenities

  • Soomaa National Park